Andhra Pradesh Micro Irrigation Project (APMIP), is the unique and first comprehensive project being implemented in a big way in Andhra Pradesh for the past 13 years. APMIP was launched in the month of November, 2003.The Project aims at improving the economic conditions of the farmers by conserving water, bringing additional area into cultivation with the available water resources, enhancing the crop productivity and production, quality, facilitating judicious usage of ground water, saving in power consumption and cost of cultivation. APMIP is being implemented with the assistance from Government of India, State Government and farmer contribution.
In view of the deficit Rainfall, Rain shadow regions, unpredictable rains and considerable depletion of ground water, the farming community realized the need to adopt the technologies of Micro Irrigation to achieve the concept of “More crop per Drop”. Government of Andhra Pradesh has set a goal to cover the entire potential area available in all the 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh under Micro Irrigation, within the next five years.
GOI have formulated a new scheme, “National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture” (NMSA) with effect from 2014-15 which has been designed by converging, consolidating and subsuming all the ongoing as well as newly proposed activities / programmes related to sustainable agriculture with a special emphasis on Soil and Water Conservation and Water Use Efficiency, Soil Health Management and Rain Fed Area Development. The existing National Mission on Micro Irrigation (NMMI) Scheme implemented up to 2013-14 was subsumed in to NMSA from 2014-15 onwards.
On Farm Water Management (OFWM) is one of the four components of National mission for sustainable Agriculture which focuses primarily on enhancing water use efficiency by promoting efficient On Farm Water Management Technologies and equipment. On Farm Water Management (OFWM) is implemented in the State through Andhra Pradesh Micro Irrigation Project (APMIP).
Benefits of Micro Irrigation

- Water Saving
- Enhanced plant growth and yield
- Saving in labour and energy
- Most suitable to poor soil
- Control of weeds
- Economy in culture practices and easy operations
- Possibility of using saline water
- Improves fertilizer efficiency
- Flexibility in operation
- No soil erosion
- No land preparation
- Minimizes the diseases and pest problems.
- Suitable for all types of soils
Scope of Micro Irrigation:
- No of Bore wells / Open Wells present – 1,44,032 Nos
- Micro Irrigation Potential Area available -1,43,454 Ha (3,54,331Acres)
- Already Area Covered under Micro Irrigation – 107,064Ha (2,64,448Acres)
- Balance Potential Area to be covered – 36,390Ha (89,883Acres)
Sl.No. | Financial Year | Target | Drip | Sprinkler | Total | ||||||
No of Units | Area in Ha | Subsidy Rs. in Lakhs | No of Units | Area in Ha | Subsidy Rs. in Lakhs | No of Units | Area in Ha | Subsidy Rs. in Lakhs | |||
1 | 2003-04 | 4000 | 47 | 58.93 | 9.08 | 1557 | 2691 | 100.88 | 1604 | 2750.21 | 109.96 |
2 | 2004-05 | 6680 | 156 | 252.94 | 43.25 | 1127 | 1425 | 77.88 | 1283 | 1677.67 | 121.14 |
3 | 2005-06 | 5200 | 1227 | 1810.84 | 358.76 | 945 | 1692 | 78.44 | 2172 | 3502.84 | 437.2 |
4 | 2006-07 | 5150 | 1135 | 1494.44 | 382.52 | 795 | 1739 | 76.91 | 1930 | 3233.44 | 459.43 |
5 | 2007-08 | 4200 | 1990 | 2416.71 | 625.15 | 797 | 1697 | 119.87 | 2787 | 4113.71 | 745.02 |
6 | 2008-09 | 6000 | 1776 | 2349.55 | 486.81 | 1656 | 1919 | 183.19 | 3432 | 4268.55 | 670 |
7 | 2009-10 | 4800 | 3084 | 2489.64 | 1269.45 | 1771 | 1771 | 240.47 | 4855 | 4260.64 | 1509.91 |
8 | 2010-11 | 5500 | 2388 | 2110.07 | 956.46 | 1498 | 1498 | 206 | 3886 | 3608.07 | 1162.47 |
9 | 2011-12 | 4254 | 3007 | 2447.48 | 1878.05 | 2285 | 2285 | 309.62 | 5292 | 4732.48 | 2187.66 |
10 | 2012-13 | 4190 | 2603 | 2256.6 | 1958.95 | 10 | 12 | 2.92 | 2613 | 2268.62 | 1961.87 |
11 | 2013-14 | 2900 | 3251 | 3053.41 | 2287.28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3251 | 3053.41 | 2287.28 |
12 | 2014-15 | 3696 | 3609 | 3449.69 | 2858.22 | 693 | 679.61 | 119.23 | 4302 | 4129.3 | 2977.45 |
13 | 2015-16 | 11860 | 3924 | 3601.95 | 2885.57 | 3855 | 3777.65 | 644.25 | 7779 | 7379.6 | 3529.82 |
14 | 2016-17 | 15000 | 7245 | 7475.33 | 6236.1 | 5079 | 6788.6 | 602.79 | 12324 | 14263.93 | 6838.89 |
15 | 2017-18 | 20500 | 12050 | 12693.85 | 10133.45 | 5836 | 8322.19 | 647.85 | 17886 | 21016.04 | 10781.3 |
16 | 2018-19 | 25000 | 10722 | 11949.61 | 11326.65 | 7269 | 10856.07 | 1651.57 | 17991 | 22805.68 | 10819.12 |
Total | 128930 | 58214 | 59911.04 | 43695.75 | 35173 | 47153.12 | 5061.87 | 93387 | 107064.2 | 46598.52 |
Subsidy Details :
- SC / ST under SF/MF farmers (up to 5 acres) up to Rs.2.00 lakhs – 100% Subsidy
- SC / ST farmers (> 5 acres) up to Rs.2.00 lakhs – 90% Subsidy
- Small & Marginal farmers (10 acres) up to Rs.2.00 lakhs – 90% Subsidy
- Big farmers (Above 10 acres) up to Rs.4.00 lakhs – 50% Subsidy
- Sprinklers All categories 50% subsidy

1. Types of Micro Irrigations Systems
Andhra Pradesh Micro Irrigation Project is adopted “Drip, Portable Sprinkler, Semi Permanent Sprinkler, Mini Sprinkler, Micro Sprinkler and Rain guns” Micro Irrigation Systems.
2. sources of Micro Irrigation system
Open well, Bore Well, Tanks & Canals are different sources of Micro Irrigation systems.
3.Type of Irrigation Techniques followed in Andhra APMIP for both Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation Systems
For Drip Irrigation system both Online and In line Irrigation methods followed as per the farmer crop spacing. For large crop plant spacing like orchid and oil palm crops “Online” methods like “Gravity-fed Family, Micro Jets, Micro sprinklers, Drippers / Emitters and Mini Sprinkler” methods are followed. For Small crop plant spacing like vegetable, flowers etc.. crops “In line” like “Surface and sub surface” methods are followed in Andhra Pradesh Micro Irrigation Project.
4.Who is eligible for subsidy
All farmers of Ahdhra Pradesh are eligible for Subsidy.
5. Drip Irrigation. How drip Irrigation Works?
Drip irrigation is a form of irrigation that saves water and fertilizer by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of many different plants, either onto the soil surface or directly onto the root zone, through a network of valves, pipes, tubing, and emitters. In this drip irrigation, water is applied near the plant root through emitters or drippers, on or below the soil surface. The soil moisture is kept at an optimum level with frequent irrigations. In this method irrigation water is conveyed on the surface in 12 to 16 mm diameter tubing’s fed from large feeder pipes.
6.Major components use in Drip Irrigations?
A. Control valves – It controls the discharge and pressure in the entire system.
B. Fertilizer / venturi Tank – It is slowly add a measured dose of fertilizer into the water during irrigation. This is one of the major advantages of drip irrigation over other methods.
C. Screen or Sand Filters – Cleans the water, remove fine material suspended in the water.
D. Lateral pipes – Mainlines, Sub main and laterals supply water from the control head into the fields. They are usually made from PVC or Polypropylene.
E. Drippers / Emitters – These devices used to control the discharge of water from the lateral to the plants.
7. Sprinkler Irrigation. How Sprinkler Irrigation Works?
Sprinkler irrigation is a method of applying irrigation water which is similar to natural rainfall. Water is distributed through a system of pipes usually by pumping. It is then sprayed into the air through sprinklers so that it breaks up into small water drops which fall to the ground. In the sprinkler technique of irrigation, water is sprinkled into the air and allowed to fall on the ground surface just like rainfall. The spray is done by the flow of water under pressure through small orifices or nozzles. The pressure is generally obtained by pumping. Through proper selection of nozzle sizes, operating pressure and sprinkler spacing the amount of irrigation water required to refill the crop root zone can be applied almost uniform at the rate to suit the infiltration rate of soil.
8. How to apply Drip or Sprinkler
Farmer can apply under APMIP scheme in every village wise Meeseva centers or District Micro Irrigation Project Directors office along with Land Document, Aadhaar card and live bank account proof. farmer is free to select the MI Supplier of his/her choice.
Sl.No | Crop | Drip (Ha) | Sprinkler (Ha) |
1 | Fruits | 3000 | |
2 | Flowers | 1000 | |
3 | Spices | 3500 | |
4 | Vegetables | 6500 | |
5 | Agricultural crops (Sprinklers, Raingun) | 12000 | |
6 | Convergence with Other Departments | 1500 | |
Total | 15500 | 12000 | |
Grand Total |
The beneficiaries have to register their applications either for drip or sprinkler through online in Mee-Seva Kendra. target will be complete end feb-2020.
Planning and strategies for achieving action plan 2019-20
- Through organizing training programme in the village level , Mandal, divisional, & district level Trainings planned to organize by involving Horticulture Officers, scientists, company representative and people representative.
- Special focus on After sales and service to farmers to carry on maintenance & fertigation technick .
- 1st Phase 312 training / AS&S programmes will be organized in June ,July. & Aug
- 2nd Phase 312 training / AS&S programmes will be organized in Sept, Oct & Nov
- 3rd Phase 312 training / AS&S programmes will be organized in Dec,Jan Feb & March.
- Organizing Bio Metric Mobile Van campaigns for spot Registration at Villages by companies for creation of awareness on MIP.
Top priority for giving SC and ST farmers on MIP. The MIAOs are exclusively deputed to cover No. of SC/ST beneficiaries left over to avail M.I.companies - Convergence with line department i.e. NREGS, Sericulture and Agriculture department for taking MIP in a large area to achieve target.
Sl No | M.I.Company | Sl No | M.I.Company |
3 | M/S ASTHA | 18 | M/S NANDI |
4 | M/S BHUMI | 19 | M/S NETAFIM |
5 | M/S CAPTAIN | 20 | M/S NIMBUS |
6 | M/S EMTELLE | 21 | M/S PARAGON |
7 | M/S EPC | 22 | M/S PREMIER |
8 | M/S FINOLEX | 23 | M/S RIVULIS |
9 | M/S FLOWTECH | 24 | M/S RUNGTA |
10 | M/S GLOBAL | 25 | M/S SIFLON |
11 | M/S GODAVARI | 26 | M/S SIGNET |
12 | M/S JAIN | 27 | M/S SRI ANJANI |
13 | M/S KISAN | 28 | M/S TEXMO |
14 | M/S KOTHARI | 29 | M/S SUDHAKAR Plast |
15 | M/S KUMAR | 30 | M/S SUDHAKAR Irrigation |
Sl.No. | Name of the Post | No of Working |
Regular Staff | ||
1 | Project Director | 1 |
2 | Asst. project Director | 2 |
3 | Superintendent | 1 |
Outsourcing Staff | ||
1 | M.I.Engineer | 5 |
2 | MI Crop Co-ordinater | 3 |
3 | MI Area Officer | 25 |
4 | Accountant | 1 |
5 | Sr.Assistent | 1 |
6 | Jr.Assistent | 2 |
7 | Computer Operator | 5 |
8 | Office Asstant | 2 |
Sl No | Designation of the Officer | Contact No |
1 | Project Director | 7995087059 |
2 | Asst. Project Director | 7995087089 |
3 | Superintendent | 7995010105 |
4 | M.I.Engineer-1 | 7995010106 |
5 | M.I.Engineer-2 | 7995010107 |
6 | M.I.Engineer-3 | 7995010108 |
7 | M.I.Engineer-4 | 7995556227 |
8 | M.I.Engineer-5 | 7995078264 |
9 | M.I.Crop Co-Ordinater | 7995010109 |
10 | M.I.Crop Co-Ordinater | 7995010110 |
11 | M.I.Crop Co-Ordinater | 7995078271 |
12 | Office Land line | 08518 – 279724 |
On going activities:
- Awareness Campaigns are being conducted to create awareness among the farmers about M.I.Systems at Village / Mandal Level.
- After sales service campaigns are being conducted at village level to solve working problems of installed M.I.System
- Convergence Campaigns are conducted with NREGS, Horticulture & APMIP field staff.
- Pamphlets are being distributed to create awareness.
Project Director
APMIP – Kurnool.